Every Donation Counts

We need your support! We encourage residents to consider a donation total of $220, but we realize not everyone can do that. Any amount helps. All donations go directly toward funding safety, community, and beautification efforts in our neighborhood.

Note: The LNA is a tax exempt organization under paragraph 501(c)(4) of the IRS code. The LNA does not participate in any direct lobbying and is non-partisan. All donations go directly to furthering the LNA’s mission. There are no employees or salaries paid as part of the annual budget.

For a one time donation, use the form below.

Select from the drop down and then click a button to donate using a credit card/debit card, venmo or paypal.

To make a monthly recurring donation, please click the button below to process using PayPal.

To pay with a check, please the donation form below and send to us at P.O. Box 180456, Dallas, TX 75218.